Saturday, September 15, 2007

Additional shout outs

Major shout-outs to Yessica Amparo and Kayla Rivera -- two students who had the serious and righteous nerve to speak out about this cartoon bullsh. They took it to the Courant, and to the mat -- mad props.

Mark Rowan won't resign -- so announced in various news fora. But I am not so sure it is up to him alone. Whaddaya think? The call has to come from students. This is your money paying for this drivel, you know.

1 comment:

Utu said...

One thing that distinguishes the cartoon from the alleged rape "satire" is that there is no possible way to claim that this is in any way political, or art, or has social value. The cartoon depicts the sexual degradation of a 14 year old. I call that child porn. The title, Polydongs (below which in small print it says True of Idiots, or something (it was hard to read)) is translated "many dicks" and sounds like gang rape to me. Some people tried to say this was commentary on R Kelly, but there's no reference to the rapper in the cartoon. Rowan is no "kid." He's an adult. Not a very mature or intelligent one. I wonder if he's ever known someone who suffered this in real life. Maybe he should meet the W.Va. victim and see if then thinks his cartoon is funny. The scary thing...he still might. This guy needs to resign or be fired. It's not about his free speech; it's about his competence to be editor-in-chief of a newspaper at our school.